Laundry Room Shelving | Repurposed Cedar Chest Lid

Laundry Room Shelving | Repurposed Cedar Chest Lid

Kelly’s laundry room needed some shelving, so I fashioned  a piece of cedar from a cedar chest I got from an estate sale into a shelf!  (The chest was used as a planter in my garden!)


Wood (to suit purpose and space)

(2) Flanges

(2) Elbows

(2) Connectors

(2) Hangers

Spray paint


I wanted the shelf to have a rod to hang clothes.  I cut down the cedar chest lid to be deep enough to accommodate a hangar underneath.  (I had already refinished the wood. (sanded and varnish)  I had some spare flanges, and elbow  and only need to buy two connectors, a metal pole to create the rod to hang clothes and some metal hangers. (The metal pieces are found in the plumbing section at any home store.  I got mine at Lowe’s)  I had the pole cut to fit the size of shelf.  (They do this for free at Lowe’s)  I spray painted the hardware with Rustoleum spray paint.


I worked to fit the pieces to hang the shelf and the pole to the bottom of the shelf.  I pre-drilled the holes into the wood so it would be easier to screw in the hardware.


Here is the finished piece!  A lot more character than a plain piece of wood!

