Moving to a new house is no joke, but you can have some fun turning the effort into some cash. I recently downsized from a 2300 square foot home to a 1500 square foot townhouse and happy to say that I picked up a few tips on how to get PAID to have items moved from my house! It’s all about mindset and a few organization strategies
Start Early
Allowing enough time has two key advantages. One, it helps manage the potential overwhelm of preparing to move. Too much to do, in too little time is usually a recipe for stress and rash (or, no) decisions. Be realistic about the effort. Two, adequate time allows for thoughtful (and, usually profitable) decisions on what to purge and how to dispose (sell, donate, toss).
If you are putting your house up for sale, there is great motivation to get your house in order and that usually means purging some long-
accumulated “stuff”. Your decisions on what to keep and toss will evolve as the time to move nears. It’s a good idea to ask a friend to help make pragmatic decisions.
Guide your decisions by the answers to these two questions:(1) Do I want this item enough to pack, move and unpack it AGAIN? (2) Will there be room for it in the new home? The answers to both of these questions will change along the way. Sentimentality can take a back seat to practicality and start selling your stuff!
Make some Cash!
Consider if the item to be disposed of is saleable? It is surprising what people will buy! “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure”. I posted 32 items on Facebook marketplace, sold 25 and made $1500. Several of these things I was going to toss or donate – and, then, I decided to see if anyone was interested. I considered it a pretty successful endeavor.
There are definitely some strategies to make selling on Facebook Marketplace more successful and less frustrating. Stay tuned for the next blog post!